Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I think a huge reason behind our debt-laden society is the sense of entitlement people today seem to have. We take out mortgages we can't afford, because our friends have huge houses, and we think we should have one, too. Instead of buying a car we can afford with cash, we take out a loan to buy a brand new car that depreciates as soon as we drive it off the lot. We are constantly competing with those around us, trying to be bigger and better. The solution to America's debt problem is contentment. When we're content with what we have and willing to live within our means, the debt problem goes away. I struggle with contentment as much as the next person. We rent a modest duplex when it seems all our friends have nice houses, and sometimes that is really hard. But I'm comparing myself to the wrong people. The people I should be thinking about are the ones half a world away, who would be overwhelmed with gratitude to have what I have. I really am blessed. My family has a safe place to live, we drive cars that run, and we have enough food and clothing to get by. There are so many people in the world who don't have the very things I take for granted. In Philippians 4:12, Paul writes, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." That is my prayer for myself, to learn to be content, no matter what the circumstance.


Anonymous said...

I hear you there. Do you ever have this happen to you-
Someone is telling you their bad situation (mainly about money). You have either been there, or you haven't. You give them advice- it's either what you have done in that situation, or it's what you know you would do if you were in that situation. The person then makes some excuse about why they "can't" and it mainly has to do with comfort. Then, you are like, well, that's what I would do (or did do)so sorry, I can't help you....

Lynnae said...

It happens all the time. I generally stop giving advice at that point, because it becomes obvious that the person is more interested in complaining than fixing things.